Web Development Basics
Alright! Let's get to Web Development! Web Development includes aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management. It is the creation of an application that works over the internet i.e. websites. HTML, CSS, JavaScript are the fundamentals of web development, so it is important that you get comfortable with them before moving on to some really cool stuff for the next weeks!
Why learn Web Development?
In today's day and age, we visit websites and web applications on a daily basis. From searching on web to shopping, everything is a website. Moreover, you are reading this blog too on a website. Websites have become an important part of the IT industry. Almost every organisation relies on a personalised space on the web to build an audience.
Web development gives you the opportunity and the creative freedom to express yourself on the world wide web. If you have an idea or a skill, then web development gives you a chance to display and exhibit your thoughts and plans to the entire globe. Web development is a creative, fun and intellectual experience.
Further Reading
All the great learning resources of COPS Dev group can also be found at COPS Dev Resources.
For frontend resources you should refer CSoC'21 Dev Frontend.