CSOC'21 Dev Frontend

Author: COPS SDG Published on: May 30, 2021

Welcome to CSoC'21 Dev! Here's all the resources and tasks you need to know, complete, and focus on for every week.

Heads up!

All the great learning resources of COPS Dev group can also be found at COPS Dev Resources. For backend resources you should refer CSoC'21 Dev Backend.

The frontend track can be ideally completed in 3-4 weeks starting from the very basics of using Linux to becoming a frontend developer. Tasks are given that are to be completed by the end of each week that test and improve your practical skills on the technologies. You may choose to compete in any number of tracks.


Things to keep in mind

No plagiarism

Plagiarism in any of the tasks isn't allowed and can easily be caught. Learn from others' code but don't copy, otherwise, you're just giving yourself a handicap in learning.