
Author: COPS SDG Published on: June 7, 2021

Flutter is an open source framework to create high quality, high performance mobile applications across mobile operating systems - Android and iOS. It provides a simple, powerful, efficient and easy to understand SDK to write mobile application in Google’s own language, Dart.

Why Flutter?

Flutter clearly stands out as a popular cross-platform application development framework by many mobile app development service providers. Here we list some key points to enable designers and developers to see the advantages of Flutter.

  • Open Source
  • Single Codebase
  • Dart As Programming Language
  • Hot Reload and Development
  • Native App Like Performance
  • Tech Community
  • Use of Custom Widgets
  • Attracts More Investors
  • Create Apps for Mobile, Desktop, and Web
  • Requires Less Testing

Flutter provides the advantage of native applications providing performance, greater control over the hardware as well as ease of use for developers.

Further Reading

All the great learning resources of COPS Dev group can also be found at COPS Dev Resources.

For frontend resources you should refer CSoC'21 Dev Frontend.