Basics of ExpressJS
Express is a Javascript Framework. This lets developers to develop their application without caring much for language difference in backend and frontend part of applications.
Here is a brief intro to why we use Express:
What is Express.js? | Why should use Express.js? | Features of Express.js
Check out the guide in official website:
Express - Node.js web application framework
MVC (Model-View-Controller) core architecture
You don't have to understand code in below tutorial, but just understand how we organize our project in a MVC architecture so that things are easily manageable even if our project is super giant.
Understanding MVC pattern in Nodejs
Here is a complete tutorial in Exppress
Express web framework (Node.js/JavaScript) - Learn web development | MDN
Alternatively, if you like videos as tutorials.
Node.js With Passport Authentication | Full Project
Using Mongodb Database with express
Express provides support for using both Relational and NoSQL databases. Relation databases are generally derivative of SQL family data bases where one has to define different tables and relations between them for storing data. NoSQL databases do not use the traditional tables and relation format for storing data. Hence this becomes handy as developers get the freedom to store the data just in format it is used in their application. So, we will be using Mongodb a famous rival of SQL database family.
This tutorial from MDN will help you get started with using Mongodb:
Express Tutorial Part 3: Using a Database (with Mongoose) - Learn web development | MDN
Although freedom to store data just as it is used in application is helpful. It can also make life of developers terrible if there is no standard definitions about what is the format of data being stored. One cannot imagine using a data without knowing what it contains. So it becomes necessary to define some formal definitions (schema) and relations so that data can be used efficiently in the application. To help with this task another javascript framework Mongoose comes to rescue. There is no better way to learn using Mongoose than going through its documentation.
Populating relations in mongoose models:
Mongoose v5.13.2: Query Population
Writing views in express
Express uses template engine for rendering views. The Express application generator uses Jade as its default, but it also supports several others. Some great names in this list are Pug, Mustache, and Ejs.
We will use Ejs for this task so we will focus on its tutorials here. But at the end we've attached official express documentation about templating support in express to quench your curiosity.
In order to learn more about template engine support in Express check out the official guide:
Using template engines with Express
User Authentication System
Creating a backend without user login and authentication is incomplete. A user authentication system makes the app personalized for users. It takes the web app to altogether another level. There are several ways for authentication when working with Express.js
. In you task we are using passport
Here you can learn more about it:
We are sure by now you've realized that world of web development is dominated by javascript.
Challenge and submission
This Blog is a part of CSoC'21 Dev Backend.
Remember, deadline for this task is July 24th, 2021 23:59.
So much for learning, here is your next Assignment!
All the details of the task are provided in the file.
As you are aware, you need to fork from and the repository, clone the forked repository, complete the task, commit and push your changes and finally open the pull request back here.